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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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KOR Skates

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Hey. I currently have a pair of G3's, just wondering if the fit of the Shift 1's is similar? Is all the hype about this skate true? Can you turn better with them? Are they lighter than my G3's?

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Im still kicking myself for trading in my CCM 952 kevlars about 5-6 years ago. They had the reinforced heel thing and were heavy, but the most comfortable skate I've ever used. I dont care for the Vectors or any of the other CCM brands though. I wish I could find a pair again even though they're old technology.


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Im still kicking myself for trading in my CCM 952 kevlars about 5-6 years ago.  They had the reinforced heel thing and were heavy, but the most comfortable skate I've ever used.  I dont care for the Vectors or any of the other CCM brands though.  I wish I could find a pair again even though they're old technology.


I hated those skates. They were heavy even by the standards of the day. I ended up throwing mine away because nobody would take them.

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Im 6-2 225lbs so I guess heavy skates didnt bother me a whole lot.

I'm only an inch shorter and about the same weight. I loved my 852s from the year before, I just never got into those.

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I might check out the Nike Flex Lite series at Hockey Giant. Seems as if the local pro shops have an aversion to Nike skates. Usually just see Bauer, CCM, Graf and Easton. So they do have the bigger toe box?

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