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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Inno Checkerboard blades

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Does anyone know who sells the innovative checkerboard style blades as i have some of the normal carbon ones but i know there are the checkboard ones.

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i thought the checkerboard ones only came on ture1s until 2005, when they put the blade on the fused 1100s. never seen a RB with the checkerboard pattern

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Yeh but i wanted the McCarty curve which is the warrior Robataille but that doesn't come in the AK27 only the tapered blade but i was looking for a standard one ;)

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Dude honestly, search on the topic there has been so many on this lately (Is there any reason to start another topic or do you try to bump up your number of posts?). Have you looked at the most popular e-shops that sell Inno/warrior products? Last time I looked Epuck has them, but they have a pic of the old blade. The descripion says 05 inno blade which is the checker board(pre-preg blade)! I have one and it is definatly the pre-preg blade!

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Dude honestly, search on the topic there has been so many on this lately (Is there any reason to start another topic or do you try to bump up your number of posts?). Have you looked at the most popular e-shops that sell Inno/warrior products? Last time I looked Epuck has them, but they have a pic of the old blade. The descripion says 05 inno blade which is the checker board(pre-preg blade)! I have one and it is definatly the pre-preg blade!

Epuck only has the tapered version, and Playa28 wants a standard blade.

Try 1800faceoff. I know they have the carbon ones, not sure about the checkerboard version. Try emailing them because they don't always list everything that is in stock.

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