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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sexiest pair of gloves

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I looked at that MIA site, where you can create the custom gloves. If you have you're own colors and a name on it. How much will that cost? I don't want to place an order to find out (don't have money right now :P) and I can't find a pricelist anywhere.

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no no no for the mb22 it starts out like 150 and if you put your name on 5 bucks extra # on 5 bucks extra special palms 10 bucks extra

but if im wrong pm qwerty hes a sales rep at MIA

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What's the deal with the carbon stuff on eagle gloves? Any advantages or disadvantages? I was thinking of getting some custom gloves done and am not sure whether to get tuff-tek, portofino or the carbon material. Thanks in advance for any info. Also, I really dig some of those MIA gloves guys have posted. What are those like, compared to the eagles? Probably going to get some combination of forest green and white, and maybe some yellow for accents. Not sure on the yellow though. Any design help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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if you go to miasports.com you can totally customize a pair and see what they will look like and not have to order them

plus theyre a lil cheaper than eagles too adn you pick your palms all very nice btw

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ambro's white and red Sande's are pretty good looking. Also, a pair of Team Canada(white/red) Oakley's would be simply amazing.

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if you go to miasports.com you can totally customize a pair and see what they will look like and not have to order them

plus theyre a lil cheaper than eagles too adn you pick your palms all very nice btw

Even thought they dont give you a price, and if you call them they give you WAY more selection.

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really? what else do they give you that you cant get on the site?

Alot more colors, and the abilitly to do Carbon/Tufftek, not just all one color etc..

Also just PM MIASPORTS. Great guy to work with. Helped me out tons. Yes hes a rep etc..

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