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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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When I see guys with flashy stuff, I usually think they're ringers. Most of the time, that's true. I have seen guys with expensive sticks or skates that weren't very good, but that's rare. Otherwise I don't really care. Most of my teammates have no clue about the equipment and don't care at all.

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When I see guys with flashy stuff, I usually think they're ringers. Most of the time, that's true. I have seen guys with expensive sticks or skates that weren't very good, but that's rare. Otherwise I don't really care. Most of my teammates have no clue about the equipment and don't care at all.

maybe it's just around here, but I tend to notice the opposite. The guys with the old, ratty gear are usually studs who know that how you play has little to do with your gear. The guys with the $250 sticks usually can't score to save their lives.

And as far as having to be good to back up your gear...No, you don't have to be amazing to back up your gear, you should just use whatever fits and whatever you like. I just think it's fun when people hate on you and you shut them down.

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