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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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synergy 2 blade breaking

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i have got a warrenty replacement synergy 2 blade, and its cracked in and L shape on the top back of the blade, and i thought i was kinda weird to crack there and was wondering if anyone else had this problem and if they were able to fix it.

......i tired to post a pic but i dont know how:(

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If it was a warranty I would expect it everything they send as warrantys have blem's or something wrong with them. Weird that it is broken though.

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i have got a warrenty replacement synergy 2 blade, and its cracked in and L shape on the top back of the blade, and i thought i was kinda weird to crack there and was wondering if anyone else had this problem and if they were able to fix it.

......i tired to post a pic but i dont know how:(

www.imageshack.us Will help you post a picture.

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well i had a synthesis blade, and well i borke it and they sent me that and i finally just put it in my stick it ha benn sitting around,

i said synergy 2 blade bcuz thats what they are now

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Easton officially have a blade warranty, but if you get it within 30 days, and make a fuss they will usually send you a new one.

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I asked like 2 days ago Thehockeyshop.com if there was a warrenty for the Z-carbon Sicore and he told me ''no'' so what up?

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I asked like 2 days ago Thehockeyshop.com if there was a warrenty for the Z-carbon Sicore and he told me ''no'' so what up?

i didn't think blades had a warranty.

but i guess if you annoy and pester easton off to no end, you may get a replacement blade for your blade:)

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At drop in tonight I took a weak snap shot. After, I look down to find that my blade from the heel on is gone and is in the corner. After hearing that these synergy II blades have had some durability problems. Im starting to think its true. I wanted to try some other company that carries a sakic clone, maybe christian. Any info on these blades? Thanks for any help.

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i know i want to get a synergy II shaft, but blade, im willing to consider some other brands/models. what will fit an intermediate synergy II shaft, junior blades or senior blades of other brands. im thinking TPS as a blade if I decide to get a blade from different company. I don't think I go too hard on my blades, just depends what my LHS is carrying.

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well since alot of blades are costing close to a composite stick easton has been pretty good if a blade breaks in like a week or so and they call theyll replace it but stamp it replacement

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