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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RBK 8K Skates

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These skates are currently on sale at my lhs for a good price. I currently have Graf G3's. Would these skates be a good fit for me? I can't try a pair on because he said he could order me a pair.

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That's a pretty tough question to answer as everyone's feet are different and people prefer different fits. I've tried the 8k, the fit was ok, but a bit snug in the mid-arch. I wear Graf 709's great whites, which I love. However, when I was looking for a new pair of skates, the G35's and G5s fit much better than the 8k, 5k, 9k, Vector, S500, Nike V12, Eastons, Vapor XIX, XX, XV, etc. FOR MY FOOT. I ended up with a pair of Vapor XXX's because they fit my foot best and were cheaper than the G5/G35.

I have a wide foot with a low arch. Most EE toe boxes were too narrow or had a plastic portion that aggravated my pinky toe. You can stretch leather, but I don't know if there's much you can do with the plastic toe box, other than cut it out with a dremel or something.

My *guess* is that the 8k will be too narrow for your foot, but that's just my guess. If the width is good, then they are one of the most comfortable skates that I tried on. If my foot fit better, I would have rather bought the 8k/9k or S500 based on feel. But now with a little punching out, my V30's are very comfortable and it would be hard to go with another skate.


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Seriously, has anybody tried these skates?

Well, let's just say they were RBK's top of the line skate till the 9k came out. Very good skate, high quality, great durability. You should try one on and see how they fit. If they fit good and the price is right, go for it.

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