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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Guest easton10

Technical Skate Question.

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Guest easton10

A few months ago I purchased a pair of Bauer 8090's. Recently I have noticed that the right skate Blade Moves in/out of the holder about 2mm. Just the front of the steel. I took the skate back to were I purchased them and they decided to take the holder off. When they did they noticed a new holder would not sit flat on the boot. The rear/back of the holder was up about 2-3mm. The tech showed this to me and since I have had them a while I just want to resolve the problem. So what he did and (we will see if it works) is he put a piece of very thin rubber underneath the steel in the front. It stopped the movement,But will this be ok? I would just like some opinions.


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it should be ok, but if you are really hard on your skates it might brake after awhile... it dosent make sense why your plastic is not fitting right on the boot.. it could be that the holder is possibly warped or something like that.

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thats happened to me i think. when i got a new pair of some easton skates, when i walked, it clicked. it moved a bit, so then i just tightened it with a screwdriver (screws were on the outside of the holder)

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if you take out the insole, there might be a white cap take it off and if you use a flashlight you can see a nut that u have to use a 9/16? allen wrench if you tighten it will pull the blade into the holder and will keep it in place and if it comes looses again, you just pull out the allen wrench

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i've seen it happen through normal wear n tear, the hardness of the light speed tends to soften after use, especially if your a hard skater. (maybe not after a few months tho)

But on another note also, in our LHS we noticed that when we got the first new sets of the LS2 steel, we had a hard time fitting it correctly inside the LS holder.

Had you replaced the steel at all since you've had the skates?

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It doesn't make sense why the new holder would not fit. Are you saying the rear was lifted after the front was rivited in? That would be normal. I personally alternate rivits and don't do the front first. Still when all rivits are in, the holder should fit flat. As for the steel moving. This is the result of having loose hardware. Then, over time of the steel moving up/down and back/forth, it weakened the holder, likely where the nut cinches down. This is why bauer owners must check their nuts (no pun intended) often.

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My son's 2nd-hand CCM 952s (circa 2001) may have a similar problem. The boot soles were not shaped to properly fit the Pro-Lite holders, so initially when the holders were riveted on they had to be warped in order to fit.

This warping kept the steel from fitting in properly without a lot of coaxing.

I got a LHS to add a shim to the heel to level things out, and the steel fits in a lot better now.

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