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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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One Goal Show - 2007

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MARCH 1, 2006



We are pleased to announce that the next OneGoal Hockey Show will be held in Toronto, Ontario, Canada from Sunday, January 14, to Tuesday, January 16, at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre (MTCC).

Toronto was selected due to the availability of space and dates at the MTCC, which is renowned as an outstanding venue. The MTCC will provide the industry with ample exhibit space and spacious meeting rooms; conveniently located downtown within walking distance from a wide variety of hotel accommodations.

Fresh off an extremely successful first show in Boston in 2006, we are looking forward to an even bigger show in 2007.

Stay tuned to our website, www.onegoalhockeyshow.net as we will soon be posting all the details for the upcoming show.


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JR mentioned that in one of the other topics. MTCC is a great venue, I'm glad they changed locations. I just have a bad feeling they're going to increase public access just to make it look busy. It was like romper room later in the day last time it was in Toronto.

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It seriously is a mess when you have people who are not there on business.

Works for me...short drive and I'll have a car. Had a blast last time. I'll have to unearth Paul.

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I was actually looking forward to it being in Montreal.

But now that it will be right in my backyard, I can't complain.

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I just have a bad feeling they're going to increase public access just to make it look busy. It was like romper room later in the day last time it was in Toronto.

I don't have a problem with that if it's toward the end of the last day -- it's pretty slow then.

Then again, I think they could go to two days and no one would notice. We'd have to keep the kids out if they did that.

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