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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission L2 shaft

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Hi, I just bought a Mission L-2 shaft off of e-bay and was wondering what sort of tapered blades they took. I think it takes the mission junior blades. What about other company blades do they take senior tapered blades or junior? or intermediate blades like the Easton synthesis ones. Any help is appreciated. Thanks

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Look up the shaft on the Mission website and it will tell you which blades fit because it varies from company to company. There are intermediate shafts out there that fit junior, intermediate, or senior blades depending on the model.

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thatll fit a junior blade if its a 75 flex L-2. ive heard the L-2 is pretty good, but the curve selection isnt great for the L-2 junior blade. im not sure what else will fit in there.

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so does anyone know what type of synthesis, xv, inno blades the intermediate mission L-2 (75 flex) takes? (junior, intermediate or senior?)

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