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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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If I had a full service local hockey shop I would pay pretty much whatever they asked for anything I need.  Of course, this is predicated on the local hockey shop being knowlegable, reliable, and expereinced.    Knowlege is an intangible that really is priceless.  Even something as "simple" as getting a good skate fit can mean night and day differences in enjoyment and, I imagine, performance of your game.  I only wish hockey were more popular in the US so we could go to any major city and find a good reliable shop with guys who actually have a clue to what they are doing.

;) mmk.

Guess you havent actually looked.

There are the big ones with total hockey and peranies and of course those kids are all over the info. and prices and stuff.

And there are alot of good shops around rinks. I can tell you there are a ton in chicago. And even if its not a building in it self and its the rinks proshop, its still going to be very relaible and knoledgable to the equiptment.

I think most hockey shop owners probally know alot about hockey or at least hire people that do.

If you find a place that doesnt let me know and Ill hit it up.

I've only been in one Perani's and it was bad. I actually corrected the one salesman a couple times when he was trying to BS a parent who was buying skates for his kid. The problem is that most shop owners hire kids without a clue and won't pay people with knowledge or experience.

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I'll give a deal to my regulars, the ones who I know come to me first when they need something. Especially the guys who don't skate at my rink anymore and go out of their way to see me. Might be 10% (protective gear, wood sticks, bags, etc.), might be a couple rolls of tape with an OPS, might be some work on new skates.

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;) mmk.

Guess you havent actually looked.

There are the big ones with total hockey and peranies and of course those kids are all over the info. and prices and stuff.

And there are alot of good shops around rinks. I can tell you there are a ton in chicago. And even if its not a building in it self and its the rinks proshop, its still going to be very relaible and knoledgable to the equiptment.

I think most hockey shop owners probally know alot about hockey or at least hire people that do.

If you find a place that doesnt let me know and Ill hit it up.

I shot myself in the foot when I said "major city". Sorry about that, my bad. I am sure major cities have all kinds of great hockey shops. I was just whining because I do not live in ore near a major city and my nearest shop is over an hour away, and they are 95% geared to be a mailorder store.

They do have some folks in the store that know what they are doing. The owners and managers are obviously top notch. Some of the employees, though, leave alot to be desired. Of course they were not hired to deal with the public, but to stock shelves and fill order boxes. It is a different world I think.

My town has a new sporting goods store that I am trying to talk into becomming a hockey store. The guy and his wife actually play on the co-ed league in town, but he is hesitant to get into hockey due to the online mailorder stores. He cannot keep as much stuff in stock as they can, nor can he charge the blow out prices they can. I would still spend all my money with him if he ever did take the plunge. Unfortunately I am just one guy with two kids. The whole town would have to get behind him and I just have a hard time seeing that happen.

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If everything works out as close to planned. I should be opening a shop in the next couple of months. With my feasibility study, and sales and profit computations, there is no way I can afford to offer discounts to anybody. As I am not based in the US or in Canada, shipping cost alone will kill me. That coupled with monthly overhead costs are a scary thought, but I love this game to much, and would love to give it a shot :lol:

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If everything works out as close to planned. I should be opening a shop in the next couple of months. With my feasibility study, and sales and profit computations, there is no way I can afford to offer discounts to anybody. As I am not based in the US or in Canada, shipping cost alone will kill me. That coupled with monthly overhead costs are a scary thought, but I love this game to much, and would love to give it a shot :lol:

Best of Luck Roach!!!

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If everything works out as close to planned. I should be opening a shop in the next couple of months. With my feasibility study, and sales and profit computations, there is no way I can afford to offer discounts to anybody. As I am not based in the US or in Canada, shipping cost alone will kill me. That coupled with monthly overhead costs are a scary thought, but I love this game to much, and would love to give it a shot  :lol:

Best of Luck Roach!!!

Thanks Sticks of Fury! Appreciate the kind words!

I heard that there's going to be a hockey supplier expo some time in March? Is this correct?

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