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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I am currently taking a product called designer protein, which is working out great and has helped me to put on a few extra pounds of muscle before football season. I am starting to get interested in Creatine, but right now with taking the protein powder, working out out three days a week, and skating 2-3 times a week it is giving me definate results.

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I used to take designer whey...possibly the worst taste ever, after one year of a protein diet (strict) includign designer whey with lifting, i put on 30 lbs. Granted i was still growing

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Aren`t all whey protien supplemeants ultimatley the same? Does designer protien differ from why protien? Or is it just a diffenernt name. I`m currently taking whwy protien, in usually a shake form after I workout.

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Ive been taking Whey Protein but only take it when I work out and ive had good results, I think I should take it more but im always on the go so its hard. I also take Centrum Performance Vitamins.

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I've tried several different kinds of protein powders and found that Biotest Grow is the best tasting and best overall protein powder available. It doesn't contain any glucose which most protein powders contain so your blood sugar levels don't go crazy. The only time you want to elevate your blood sugar like that is immediately after working out.

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It depends what your goals are. If you have a super fast metabolism, then you have to worry about catabolism. That means that if you don't have enough protein to feed your muscles, your body will break down your muscles and you'll get smaller. I needed to take protein around the clock so I didn't need the glucose when I drank a shake when I woke up or right before bed. But it is a great idea to have some protein w/ glucose right after a game or a workout to feed your muscles and recover better.

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I work out alot and I take Prostar Whey and it works pretty good. I don't mind the taste either, Cocoa Mocha. I have a couple questions though. I hear that some types of shakes you should take right after working out because they provide the protein right away, whereas some you should take before you go to bed because they distribute the protein over a period of time, is this true? Also, How many shakes do you take a day because with mine it seems like such a small amount (5 oz of milk, water, etc. to 1 scoop). I notice the results but it doesn't seem like that much.

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I took whey before, when I was like 15, turned me into a little butterball. Just couldn't get enough working out and didn't take it all that regularly.

Any recommendations for a Kid who has a bit of trouble keeping down his weight, can work-out hard and often, but has a slow metabolism?

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I am exactly the same, 100 sit ups a night, run/rollerblade atleast 3 miles a day, 20 pushups a night, 10 chin ups a night, and thisis my light routine during school. I still can loose the "Moloson mucsle" though. I would really apperciate some help, because summer is comeimg and that means cottage which means beach.

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Its a big over haul to change diet completely, just split up meals into smaller regular servings to help metabolism, and cut out snaks in between. One of the best things to do would try just cutting out one or two things, soda is often a good one.

As for supplements I don't have to use any to bulk up that much, just to help keep metabolism high and maintain fat loss, so I just use CLA and maybe a protein supplement now and again, but i get enough from my diet.

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Lately, i've been trying to lose a little more weight, convert my fat into muscle. I've never really been into the bigger supplements, maybe a little whey protein, but nothing like creatine. Right now i'm taking thermoburst from GNC, take it before working out or playing a game and it will give you an extra zip (ephedra free) and helps boost your metabolism, but to lose weight on it, you gotta eat healthy, and be working out.

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I'm taking VP2 Whey Isolate by AST after every workout (5 days a week) and trying to keep my diet healthy, lots of protein and less fats. I have noticed a lot bigger gains this year (last year I was taking only Creatine.)

With protein, it's recommened that you take in at least one gram per pound of body weight a day, if you are getting that much eating normal foods you shouldn't need to buy shakes or anything.

Also a great way to boost metabolism and not lose muscle mass is to do very intense cardio workouts for only about 15 minutes a day. It doesn't seem like much, but if you take the intensity up and go full out the whole time it will most likely be the hardest 15 minutes of your day.

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With protein, it's recommened that you take in at least one gram per pound of body weight a day, if you are getting that much eating normal foods you shouldn't need to buy shakes or anything.

it 1 grams for every 2.2 pounds

and the best way tokeep your weight down is to use meal replacements, so you get only what you need.

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i drink a protein with 32 g of protein twice a day. one either when i wake up or go to bed, and one immediately following workout due to the fact i live across the street from the gym and this is easy.

My supp tho has lots of other shit in it tho, liek glutamine, etc...

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Will drinking protein shakes have a "Fattening" effect when taken after a night work-out? Like I just got off work 3 hours ago, finished up some stuff around the house then worked out. Would taking a protein shake right now, because I'm going to bed, give me added calories that will weigh in my stomach while I sleep?

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The protein that I take, AST VP2, helps you lose body fat, while gaining muscle mass. also, after you drink it your appetite goes down quite a bit so you eat less during your next meal.

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I am currently taking a product called designer protein, which is working out great and has helped me to put on a few extra pounds of muscle before football season. I am starting to get interested in Creatine, but right now with taking the protein powder, working out out three days a week, and skating 2-3 times a week it is giving me definate results.

I want to try creatine because it sounds like its the most effective the fastest.

Go to bodybuilding.com and they tell you what supplements do what.

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So what do most of you guys put in your shakes, Milk or juice?

When Im just having a shake and I have time I do it up w/Juice, Bananas, strawberries, ice, maybe some kinda of frozen fruit sherbert and of coarse the protein powder.

After im done working out I just have the Coco flavor with milk.

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I use milk for my protein shakes, so I can get an extra 8 or 9 grams of protein. Juice is fine as long as the juice isn't to acidic, orange juice can make the protein almost useless by the time it gets into you blood. Same thing with heating up the protein before having it.

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