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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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bauer sticks

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Just a question for the LHS guys - if someone comes in and knows exactly the stick they want and you don't have it, do you (or can you) order it from say Bauer for the customer? (Assuming you carry the line they want)

If you can, typically how long would it usually take to come in?

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Just a question for the LHS guys - if someone comes in and knows exactly the stick they want and you don't have it, do you (or can you) order it from say Bauer for the customer? (Assuming you carry the line they want)

If you can, typically how long would it usually take to come in?

usually there is a minumin quanty to order. i thought about ordering some blades and was told by a shop that the minumin order was 3-6.

jr, chadd, jimmy, darkstar would know better than i.

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P02 Samsonov is discontinued in 2006. All 2005 P02 are no longer in stock at NBH USA warehouse. I have a Vapor XXX P02 lefty 77 and would get a bunch more but they have been long gone since November 05.

Except for wood sticks in 1/2 dozen packs, I can order any product from NBH, RBK, etc in singles. I do it all the time on fill in orders. Plus, think about skates: I order 1 pair at a time in a size/width. What are you looking for? Your LHS should be able to get anything. NBH and RBK no longer have minimum order $ so its easy to fill in. Easton and Mission/Itech have minimum order $ so that can be a hassle. The LHS may pass the minimum order charge on to the customer if there is nothing else he desperately needs to meet the minimum.

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Plus dealers can use wholesalers to get single items quick if need be. They don't make as much $$ but can get it quick, vice 7-10 days from the manufacturer.

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I bought a Pro Stock Vapor XX Max Stick'um last week from The Sports Exchange last week here in Vancouver. They had both retail and pro stock versions available. They said they were sticks for NCAA hockey. Not sure if they had the pattern and flex you need. Price was right at 125.00 CDN and they ALL came with 30 day warranty even for the pro stock.

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