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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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pranks against the coach

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the funnest thing we did to our coach was spray paint "I'm a queer" on the back of his truck in my fisrt year of jr.a..he was pissed lol and the best part was he thought it was the healthys on the other team lol

What a great bunch of guys

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the funnest thing we did to our coach was spray paint "I'm a queer" on the back of his truck in my fisrt year of jr.a..he was pissed lol and the best part was he thought it was the healthys on the other team lol

hahahhaa thats pretty funny

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This season, a few of the boys and I replaced our coach's car key with a look-alike set. He couldn't figure out why they wouldn't work, and called AAA. The next day, at practice, we hid the real keys (in an envelope with a note that said "We believe THESE would have been of some help yesterday) in one of the puck-buckets. Obviously, we all left him to dump the buckets at the beginning of the practice; when he found him he just kinda gave us one of those bemused "Sons-a-bitches" things...

...Not too "awesome," I know, but that is as far as I am willing to go; coaches really should be considered "untouchable" as far as I am concerned. I like ice-time, thank you very much - believe it or not, scouts don't really pay attention to the guys who spend the game opening doors.

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That was a good one, LkptTiger... :D For some reason, it reminds me of two stories:

One of my buddies loved his IROC, which he'd have detailed every week. (We'd go to the movies in Santa Barbara, where I lived about four blocks from the theatre, so I'd say let's walk. No, no, no, I'll pick you up. The best part is he'd drive in the opposite direction and park about three-and-a-half blocks away, because he didn't want to be near any other cars....) Anyway, we're bowling with another guy, who sneaks out and moves the car to the back. I'll never forget the sheer bewilderment in my buddies voice when his baby was gone. "They....they...took it?" :D

Another time, I lived in a subdivision in San Diego where each road had the same pattern of houses. Coming up the hill, we were the second road on the left, and our house was the second house on the left, so one could tell if anything was amiss right away. My friend had recently leased a BMW 535, or something, and it was his pride and joy. We're coming back from the ball game and I turned left onto the first road for some reason. Well, he instantly sees his car is missing and shouts, "Oh, Jesus Christ! They took the goddamn car!!"

"Oh, sorry, Mark, I took the wrong turn...." :lol:

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we ended up just writing on his windows, but him, he got us better

1st- 25 pounds of peanuts in our goalies bag!!! hee put extra equipment and 25pounds of peanuts in the bag, it weighed like 75 punds in the end!!


2nd- clear tape on 3 kids skate blades, we caught it before the game, but if not, they would of looked soo stupid!

im not sure what is to come next season!

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