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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Saw the pogues last night

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In the 9.30 club in DC, great show, hungover to the balls today.

I saw them back at home in 91 before they broke up, and saw the popes a few times, but was great to see the pogues back in action.

I am a big spider stacy fan, because I love the whistle, so good to see him back in action too.

Great show

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Great show, played all the classics, streams of whiskey, body of an american, sally mclennane.

The done fiesta and fairytale of new york in the encore, fairytale is a great song, but its a christmas song, still great, but not right timing.

I had saw the pogues back home in dublin in 91 before the broke up, and saw macgowan with the popes in the olympia in dublin, back in 97, and again over here in 01/02 (can't remember when), so this was my 4th show, loved every one of them, but was great to see the old band back together. I love spider stacy, dodgy clothes and all.

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