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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Need help with sharpening machine

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So I got the wissota and I was just wondering, how accurate does everything need to be set up to make a good sharpening? I levelled the holder left to right about as close as I could possibly get it with a ruler. In the wissota video, the guy just uses a piece of paper, which seems less accurate than my method. Also, he just kind of eyeballs the edges in the video.

I think after I'm done that my edges are pretty even but it's possible they might be just slightly off, and by that I mean 1 or 2 degrees when measuring the 90 degree angle with a coin or flat item across the top of the blade. I made a small little tool out of cardboard that helps me determine whether or not the angle is 90 degrees and I can tell it just might be slightly off. Will that small of a difference that make much of a difference in the effect on skating?

Also, how many passes does usually take to fix a high edge once you've determined that it is slightly high?

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What does it do? It doesn't look much different than what I'm using now, which is a flat piece of hard plastic with a magnet holding it to the blade.

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But you have something to refer it to. Every line is 1/1000th of an inch.

If you want something cheaper, Center Ice sells a small one, that you can check while the skate is on the holder. You put it to the blade and if the edges are not square, you can see through the reflection which one needs to be raised/lowered. The problem is I don't recommend it if you do a high volume of skates as it can score up easy.


The more expensive one lasts longer. But I really recommend the QS. Blackstone has one coming out that will be slightly cheaper.

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If you are just doing extremely low volume, you don't need any fancy test square, just a thin piece of steel, like sheet aluminum about 10" long and 1" wide, and a magnet.

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