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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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the rep brought the glove in the shop the other day, and also got to see it again at the expo today as well. the glove is very much as i expected, very very comfortable/mobile, and seems very protective as well. it reminds me of a cross between an eagle and RBK 8k in terms of fit and structure, and i think this glove will do very well. our rep said they are hoping to have it fully relised in august, so if your due for some new mitts pretty soon and are interested, wait it out if you can.

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hmm.. i only saw posts with speculation about how the glove would be, pictures, etc. but nothing further. whats the link.

EDIT- found the original post.... but like i said theres nothing past speculation, and seemingly no 1st hand expierence with the gloves. thought id add.....

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all the ones at the show were leather... i forgot to ask if they are available with different shells or palms. they had every color that was listed on that sheet, and a few custom done pairs as well.

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no strech palm hen? Damn i would like to use mia or warrior glove but since i'm addict to my XX strech palm, i can't switch!

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Well PP. I have this palm for almost 2 year now, and excellent palm always super soft, it is true that since a year the palm get-have a little slippery feeling.

This is why i use the vapor XXX and SL grip shaft now, and now it is perfect!

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