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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I Finally Scored!

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I didn't score until Bantam. I was a big guy so the goalie expected a strong shot. I gently snapped it and it slowly went over the goalie's glove.

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I just scored my first goal in the adult league the other night. Only problem I never touched the puck. Apparently the ref musta thought it went off me or something since I was standing in front of the net.

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I remember in my first real game I scored twice, then I didn't score again for the rest of the season. :lol:

Be thankful you didn't score two as it's a curse :P

Exact same thing happened to me the first game I scored in, but I finally scored 2 in the last game also.

Talk about ending frustration.

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