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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer 5000 helmet pads

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I'm starting to lose the pads in my 5000 helmet again. Have any of you had any success gluing them back in? I was thinking of getting a can of 3M Super 77 spray adhesive. Other suggestions?

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I used some epoxy I got at Lowe's for assembling golf clubs and it worked for almost another year. I think it was three bucks or so.

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are we talking the gel pads or the epp? Hot glue works for some stuff although I heard it's not allowed (don't really know if it is true) Either way, glue never lasts.

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are we talking the gel pads or the epp? Hot glue works for some stuff although I heard it's not allowed (don't really know if it is true) Either way, glue never lasts.

its true if a 5000 helmet is taken to a hockey shop and the padding is falling out were not allowed to fix it at all, it would void the bauer warranty and csa/hecc approval

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I made a similar thread on CB last year. Either Ponty or JR suggested Liquid Nails for Small projects. Its been about 5 months and they are holding well. BTW I was glueing(sp?)the hard and soft padding together not the pads to the helmet(shell).

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