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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pro Returns

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Perhaps this is a dumb question (in fact, I'm almost positive it is), but where do pro-returns come from? Are they samples sent to players? Are they custom sticks that weren't to spec?

The reason I ask is that I bought a Mission M-1 pro return Kubina ($114CDN). As far as I know, in the entire world of pro-hockey there is only one guy named Kubina. That being said, I've searched for pictures of him ever using Mission and I can't find a single one. Even more bizarre is the fact he only ever uses an Easton Ultralite 2-piece system. So I guess I'm wondering, where did the stick come from?

Thanks guys

PS did a search for this topic, and didn't find anything.

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They are anything custom made for a player, who either uses it or doesnt, and usually sells for cheaper than retail because not warrentied etc..

Im sure there are other people who can exagurate more on this subject.

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Players don't get sticks on an individual basis unless they are divded that way from a six/twelve pack from the manufacturer, in your case he probably tried it at practice and didn't like it so the other five/eleven sticks weren't of any use to him. No expert here but other reasons I can think of are players not needing sticks because there team is done for the season, they have switched sticks, sticks shipped were wrong curve/flex, etc. or in my case they were suspended for injury a player. Yes, I ended up with a yellow Bertuzzi Grip Synergy a month or so after the Moore incident, he did switch to TPS for that game though.

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some shops are given clearout lists from there reps at the end of the nhl season and playoff season where they can pick and choose from depending on the supplier, some companies give out lists halfway through the season which is when most players are set on there stick and curve.

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Where do you find these Pro Returns?

Sometimes online (eBay) and a few stores here sell pro returns like gloves, blades, sticks and such.

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Players don't get sticks on an individual basis unless they are divded that way from a six/twelve pack from the manufacturer, in your case he probably tried it at practice and didn't like it so the other five/eleven sticks weren't of any use to him.  No expert here but other reasons I can think of are players not needing sticks because there team is done for the season, they have switched sticks, sticks shipped were wrong curve/flex, etc. or in my case they were suspended for injury a player.  Yes, I ended up with a yellow Bertuzzi Grip Synergy a month or so after the Moore incident, he did switch to TPS for that game though.

Not true. Some companies, when making a player a sample OPS, only send one stick in for free. I know of next to no teams that pay for a player to get samples of a product.

For example, with skates, if you are switching a player from Brand A to Brand B (your brand), you are giving the team that pair for free. From then on, you buy them.

Also, on some teams, if you switch a player into your product while he has a ton of Brand A (his previous product) left, they will require that you "buy" the stock that the player has either though a matching of free product, or, paying the bill of the product left from Brand A (usually a credit on the team's account).

The third paragraph about making Brand B buying up/giving credit for the remaining stock of Brand A doesn't seem to really make sense to me. I am not saying you are wrong because you seem like an official sales rep or something like that, but to me it doesn't seem like a likely situation. If I were brand B I certainly wouldn't want to buy Brand A's remaining stock for that player.

If this is the case this sounds like too much of a sweet deal. I went to my LHS and they had a ton of pro return Toronto Maple Leaf sticks, gloves, etc. The staff member told me that the Leafs trainer called them and had an open sale so their store went over to the arena and bought various equipment and now reselling it through ebay and instore. My example is Chad Kilger, they had his Louisville RR's out there. Kilger uses Bauer Vapor XXX now, so based on your explanation Bauer had to buy/give credit to the Maple Leafs for Kilger's remaining Louisville stock ? Then the Leafs turn around and dump the remaining Louisville stock to LHS and/or the team store ?

Is this possible ?

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idk about pro return but I can get just about any lightning player's game used stick for $30-$100 depending on the stick. $30 being Modin's since its a wooden stick, the others are $100. If you want I can check for Kubina's curve and see if it's the same and I'll even look to see what stick he is using.

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idk about pro return but I can get just about any lightning player's game used stick for $30-$100 depending on the stick. $30 being Modin's since its a wooden stick, the others are $100. If you want I can check for Kubina's curve and see if it's the same and I'll even look to see what stick he is using.

how about replacement blades ?

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