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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nike Bauer 2006 CAT

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I dont think JR is going to put the catalog up unless someone scans it and sends him the .pdf .Anyways,all of the new products are discussed already and there are pictures of basically everything on here so there is no need to post the catalog.And remember having the catalogs up is a privilege ,you are lucky that some people take the time to actually scan a full catalog, so just wait till June when it comes out to see it.

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I dont think JR is going to put the catalog up unless someone scans it and sends him the .pdf .Anyways,all of the new products are discussed already and there are pictures of basically everything on here so there is no need to post the catalog.And remember having the catalogs up is a privilege ,you are lucky that some people take the time to actually scan a full catalog, so just wait till June when it comes out to see it.

Gloves, skates and the new XXXLite pants are the big new products and there have been plenty of pics/discussions on the skates and gloves.

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