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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sick of breaking OPS's

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Do you think manufacturers COULD do something to increase the longevity of the sticks but don't because it wouldn't really be in their best interest?

It's either they like the recurring revenue of the people that break their sticks a lot, or the cost to make the sticks really durable would increase the retail cost of sticks beyond what most people would think it reasonable.

People vote with their wallet and right now the push is for lighter, high performance sticks. Price will not go down until people stop buying the most expensive models.

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stickfix, can you tell whether giving the slash is as damaging as receiving it? I ask this because the TF Armour this coming year will have a slash guard on the top but, at the tradeshow, guys were joking they need the guard on the bottom for when they slash.

When I realized they were partially serious, I started thinking maybe slashing is shortening the life of the stick. Then I wondered why would it matter who does the slashing?

Sounds like a good idea, the slash guard. I'd take a good look at buying the TF Armour.

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stickfix, can you tell whether giving the slash is as damaging as receiving it? I ask this because the TF Armour this coming year will have a slash guard on the top but, at the tradeshow, guys were joking they need the guard on the bottom for when they slash.

When I realized they were partially serious, I started thinking maybe slashing is shortening the life of the stick. Then I wondered why would it matter who does the slashing?

Sounds like a good idea, the slash guard. I'd take a good look at buying the TF Armour.

I like the fact that the grip on the armor isn't as obscene as the TF1

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I like the fact that the grip on the armor isn't as obscene as the TF1

That's funny, cuz I don't think I noticed that! Boy, am I clueless sometimes, or what?? :D

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I like the fact that the grip on the armor isn't as obscene as the TF1

That's funny, cuz I don't think I noticed that! Boy, am I clueless sometimes, or what?? :D

No, I'm just relentlessly anal about some things

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Each brand and style has a "weakness" where most of their breaks occur.

A Stealth, for example, will break most often in the shaft between your hands. The Eastson SL's will often break right above the heal of the blade. The Koho 4460 Revolution shaft ('05 Model) breaks in the 1'-1.5' above the inserted blade.

I will have to remember this very useful information the next time I play. That guy with an SL who hit me from behind after the whistle ? Now I know exactly where to aim... ;)

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stickfix, can you tell whether giving the slash is as damaging as receiving it? I ask this because the TF Armour this coming year will have a slash guard on the top but, at the tradeshow, guys were joking they need the guard on the bottom for when they slash.

When I realized they were partially serious, I started thinking maybe slashing is shortening the life of the stick. Then I wondered why would it matter who does the slashing?

Salming, it depends on how good the slasher is. If they use their blade or shaft for the "strike". A lot of the slashes that break sticks hit in the "hosel area" just above the blade. They may not break immediately, but they do break when a shot is taken by the "slashee". (I think I just made that word up!?)

In many of Easton's Blades like the SL, the transition from the blade to the hosel is HOLLOW. This is done to save weight, but it KILLS durability. When we repair these breaks, we fill that gap with composite materials, so it is better than new.

My franchisor has some tape that he reciently made available to us, that is supposed to protect against slashes. I havent used it, but everyone that has says that they take much more abuse than they used to. I am in between league seasons at the moment, but when I start up, I will definetly give it a shot.

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I really like the Easton Z-Carbon hockey sticks. I like the flex that it gives but some members on this board have had bad experiences with the stick. I bought the '03 model when Sportchek cleared it out for $16.99 to give it a try. I wanted more but they were sold out. Not a bad stick except I've seen two areas on the stick that are commonly cracked. The bottom of the heel on the blade and the part where the shaft meets the blade.

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I really like the Easton Z-Carbon hockey sticks. I like the flex that it gives but some members on this board have had bad experiences with the stick. I bought the '03 model when Sportchek cleared it out for $16.99 to give it a try. I wanted more but they were sold out. Not a bad stick except I've seen two areas on the stick that are commonly cracked. The bottom of the heel on the blade and the part where the shaft meets the blade.

The crack where the shaft meets the blade is quite common. It is really only caused by the "movement" from the blade. Nothing to really be concerned over. The sticks that get this hairline crack where the blade meets the shaft are in reality 2pc sticks fused at that point. The crack is only a crack in the paint.

The crack across the bottom of the blade (if it runs toe to heel) is the begining of de-lamination.

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Just broke my 2nd XXX-lite in less than 2 months. And before that a few Z-bubbles and before that a few synergys. Now I'm thinkin about going back to woods and buying a good few as backups. Has anyone else tried going back to wood after using composites. What was the transition like, how did they feel? Was there a major drop in performance?

Dave ever thought of becoming a figure skater? ;)

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My franchisor has some tape that he reciently made available to us, that is supposed to protect against slashes. I havent used it, but everyone that has says that they take much more abuse than they used to. I am in between league seasons at the moment, but when I start up, I will definetly give it a shot.

What is this tape? Can we get it somewhere?

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My franchisor has some tape that he reciently made available to us, that is supposed to protect against slashes. I havent used it, but everyone that has says that they take much more abuse than they used to.  I am in between league seasons at the moment, but when I start up, I will definetly give it a shot.

What is this tape? Can we get it somewhere?

You can get it off on most e-tailers..

Its actually pretty good stuff. I have my sherwood momentum wrapped at the bottom (where the blade connects) and I have taken a number of shots without damage. I used the stick all last season and for my beer team this season without as much as a chip.

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My franchisor has some tape that he reciently made available to us, that is supposed to protect against slashes. I havent used it, but everyone that has says that they take much more abuse than they used to.  I am in between league seasons at the moment, but when I start up, I will definetly give it a shot.

What is this tape? Can we get it somewhere?

Renfrew Shaft Saver. It's a 3M tape product, same film they use on the front of the tour buses to protect from rock chips. Awesome product. Sells for $13

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My franchisor has some tape that he reciently made available to us, that is supposed to protect against slashes. I havent used it, but everyone that has says that they take much more abuse than they used to.  I am in between league seasons at the moment, but when I start up, I will definetly give it a shot.

What is this tape? Can we get it somewhere?

Renfrew Shaft Saver. It's a 3M tape product, same film they use on the front of the tour buses to protect from rock chips. Awesome product. Sells for $13

Yup :D Thats exactly what it is.

According to the label, they also use it on helicopter blades...

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"Renfrew Shaft Saver. It's a 3M tape product, same film they use on the front of the tour buses to protect from rock chips. Awesome product. Sells for $13"

That sounds about right.

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Isnt it possible that all the tape wrapped around your stick (if in the right spots) could affect your flex and the power of your shots?

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Isnt it possible that all the tape wrapped around your stick (if in the right spots) could affect your flex and the power of your shots?

Im sure it does.. its minimal though.. I didnt notice a difference.

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