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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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z-carbon/z-carbon si core

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im looking for one of these and i was wondering if there really is any point of getting the si core blade. ive heard it has feel of a wood blade and other say it dosent. Should i go with an inno instead. what do u guys think? i dont wanna buy something and find out its not what i was looking for

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id go for the si core blade. I have a si-core and it has puck feel but not as good as woods. If you like a curve in eastong thats what id go for.

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From what I heard, Inno is very durable stiff and gives really good feel, never tried them both out, but durablity is a huge issue, my friends broke 2 Z Carbon blades after getting slashed at the tapered part plus inno is suppose to be very good but are expensive and sometimes hard to find.

Check Epuck they have some input on both.

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i think inno would be a good choice, i've heard alot of durability issues with the z-carb, and the inno i've been using has held up fine for about 8 months, its only just recently gone a bit soft, other than that, its fine (cosmetically, theres scratches, chips, doesn't affect performance)

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I've used both, but and now i'm using a Sakic Si-core in my 75 flex zbubble grip. I used the regular zcarbon sakic around december............then i switched to a different blade. About 3 weeks ago i got the Si-core blade and it didnt have much difference between the regular zcarbon. But for about 5-10 more bucks id go with the Si-core.

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Guest Datsyuk*13
id go for the si core blade. I have a si-core and it has puck feel but not as good as woods. If you like a curve in eastong thats what id go for.

What are you talking bout dude. If you like the curve in Easton? Both blades are made by easton.

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Guest Datsyuk*13

Oh sorry i thought you were talking about the Easton Z carbon. My bad

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