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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Helmet Padding

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I'm using a Bauer 3000...only one I've ever used. Looking to switch to a CCM HK500 (found a decent deal) or maybe an Itech HC100. Those helmets have EPP foam in it. None of the helmets at the store by my house have EPP foam so I really have no clue what it would be like on my head, though I haven't tried out the other stores yet. But does EPP foam bother anyone in terms of not being very cushiony like traditional foam. And I wear glasses, so the normal foam holds them to my head reasonably well. And is it lighter? Cause that'd be nice if I went to a full cage after taking some sticks to the head the other day.

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I used to use traditional foam and I will never go back. The epp molds to your head and the foam I used to have on my 4000 was really hard and uncomfterable.

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Comfort. Molds to your head easier. They can get the foam custom cut.

Stock EPP foam cannot be altered and limits you to "average" shaped heads.

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in my experience, EPP helmets provide better ventilation

i've used the jofa 690 and itech hc100, and both have way better ventilation than my old bauer 4000, however, they are not as comfortable as traditional foam

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in my experience, EPP helmets provide better ventilation

i've used the jofa 690 and itech hc100, and both have way better ventilation than my old bauer 4000, however, they are not as comfortable as traditional foam

It wouldn't be the EPP, it would be the shell having more vent holes.

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I had an early model jofa with EPP. I thought it was a little too hard. It was designed to protect from very strong impact, such as taking a slaper in the head. I'm sure it would be good for that. However, it did not soften smaller hits (sticks, light bump on the ice etc..). I noticed that I got a lot of headaches from that.

Having said that, I've been wearing Bauer 8000 bucket and I am very happy with it. It seems to have softer EPP in some places and harder in others. Also it is adjustable for width, a good thing for my XXL coconut.

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Almost all high-end helmets nowadays are made with EPP. In case you're unfamiliar with EPP, you'd probably recognize it as that super hard styrofoam-looking material that bicycle helmets are made out of. They're extremely light, but rock hard and do not give at all (nor do they conform to your head in any way). To make them more comfortable, companies have been using soft foam inserts and plugs or a very thin layer of padding to cushion your head.

Because EPP doesn't give at all, I'd be concerned that you might have a hard time fitting your glasses in there. I'd strongly recommend that you actually try one on if you can find one, but of course you say that none are available to you.

Regarding the other posts here, I'm thinking that maybe EPP helmets feel better ventilated since the EPP is so strong that less material is needed to sufficiently protect, thus allowing for more vent holes.

I also think that despite EPP being so rigid, my EPP helmet is actually more comfortable than my old foam-lined helmet because of this quality. The rigid EPP acts as an shell underneath the plastic outer shell, thereby keeping the helmet's shape. With my old foam-lined one, my helmet was probably getting squished and out of shape in my hockey bag so that when I put it on, the sides were pinching my temples and giving me a headache.

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