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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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the iceman

Iginla's Skates?

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They did discontinue the 8090s though, no? So these boots are purely customized for him.

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They did discontinue the 8090s though, no? So these boots are purely customized for him.

From top to bottom, they are made to order for his dogs. In the custom boot room at St. Jerome, they have all the player foot molds/casts sitting on shelves.

And the 8090 is custom make up only now.

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Its Jarome, he's my guy!! He can wear anything he wants as longs he hauls ass to the net and makes them pay the price along the way!! I think these new dogs are pretty cool with the special effects he has on them. He must be an equipment manager's nightmare, though. I guess he has replaced Messier as Mr Picky about his boots.

I'll take whatever he is throwing out as not good enough!

I remember that Gus was saying Jarome asked for the blue patch and the outsole on his One90's to be red but Nike Bauer wouldn't do it. He even tried to get them as a "Calgary Flames Special" but they were too worried that they would be more popular than the regular blue and be confusing for the market. He even tried using the "it took 3 tries for you guys to properly fit me for the Nike look skates" but they weren't doing it.

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