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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shoulder Pads

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Well I'm starting to play again soon and shoulder pads are about the last thing I've completely decided on. Basically all the shop had by me was some Easton Synergy 900s that were very nice. I'm really looking for some low-profile shoulder pads that offer a lot of movement and are pretty light if possible. I just figured I'd get some other options to look for before I commit to getting these or any others. I just want something that will protect me from a hit but not overly padded and I don't want to look like a football player. The other pads I'm looking at on the net are Jofa 8K|7K|6Ks and I've heard good things about the Bauer 8000s too. I don't really need too much padding since I'll be playing in no-check adult leagues since its all thats available but there is still contact. Then again I'm transferring to a 4-year college later this year and am hoping to get into some more competative play if available. So whatever, if you have suggestions or comments I'd appreciate it.

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For a no-check league, I'm extremely pleased with my Sher-Wood 5030's. Comfortable, light, minimal bulk, and cheap ($25-$30). I think Itech and Easton (Easton Classic?) also make similar "old school" shoulder pads.

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Check out the Itech 660 series. Low profile, protective, mobile and they won't kill you on price.

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I bought the 660's thinking they would be good. They were very bulky around the body compared to my old shoulder pads which offered good protection but had HUGE actual shoulder pads. My wife got a pair of the Itech 220's and they offer similar protection but aren't as thick. I liked them, so I got myself them too. If I was playing pro, I would go with the 660's, but in beer league hockey I think the 220's are more than sufficient. There is only a little bit of area that isn't covered by them and the padding isn't too bulky. They actually offer more protection than my older bulky shoulder pads, and they are lighter. The 220 only cost me $33 on totalhockey.net

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I use Itech SP50's in my beer leagues and they are really light and not bulky at all. They lack a little protection but there's enough there for a no contact league.

Itech SP50

I've also used these for a while and they offer a bit more protection then the minimalist pads but are also low profile and light.

Koho 4420

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I wear a Hypertection Player Upper Body Protector in my beer league. Does the job for me...

Interesting product. I'd likely wear it if I was a ref or going to get into a bar fight. Not sure if that's the best thing for a beginner.

idk if you're speaking of me as a beginner, if not forget i said so, but i'm no beginner lol, going on about 15yrs of playing, just took a year off to move, school and work...

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I'd like to know how that shirt handles with big hits against the boards. There have been times even in my crappy beer leagues that I have been hammered shoulder first into the boards. Also, there isn't any bicep protection on those shirts. I am tempted to get one though....

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I haven't taken any big hits in the shirt ... there is just enough padding to keep my wife from yelling at me for not wearing shoulders :P

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well if you are wanting to get competitive later on this year or next you might as well get better shoulders... 8k sounds good

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If you where playing in a contact league of any kind I'd recommend the RBK/Jofas , anything from a 6K up to the 8K but your in a non contact league. The Easton 900's are great protection, (although a bit expensive) and will last you for a lot of years so I'd give them a go. You never know if your going to go flying into the boards if you lose your balance or take a shoulder dive in open ice so I wouldn't go with the minimal protection of a low end shoulder pad. I personally wear the Rbk 6K's for this reason even though I play in a non contact league.

I personally love Easton equipment but I still can't bring myself to wearing a low profile shoulder pad when I do play contact because I just don't feel they are just as protective as the RBK/Jofa shoulder pads. The shoulder caps on Jofa is just so much more solid than the Easton caps. That's why I have the 6K's I don't need to switch when playing contact or non contact. ;) I know I'll get great protection regardless.

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