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Fitness crash course help

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I just found out that in the next 4 - 5 weeks I am going to be given a physical fitness test for a job I applied for. (I thought I would have a bit more time to prepare.)

The test involves sit-ups, push ups, distance running, sprint running, and body weight. There are minimum required scores in each area, but getting the minimum in all areas does not get you a passing score. (If you are weak in one area, you can pick up the slack with better scores in other areas.)

Here's where I stand right now:

I'm in fairly good shape in the running areas.

I am just passable with sit ups.

I'm a little weak on push ups.

I've got excess weight around my waist.

So, I'm looking to shed as much beer belly as I can and increase my ability to do push ups and sit ups.

Right now I run (40 mins) Mondays and Wednesdays and play hockey on Thursdays and Saturdays.

(I don't want to slack off on running because I plan on making up some points in the running tests to compensate for lower scores in the other areas.)

I'm not really sure how much to increase my workouts. Should I be working out every day?

I was thinking of bumping it up to running 5 days a week with push ups and sit ups every day.

Or do I need rest days? (can I run one day and do strength training the next.)

I'm not looking for a long term workout plan, more of a crash course to prepare me for the exam.

edit. got clarification on the timeframe, I have more time than I thought.

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Practice makes perfect, if they are going to make you do sit ups and bress ups, I would start on those, at first when i started i found it really hard, but it does get easier.

May i ask what job are you applying for that requires you to do this fitness stuff?

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No more beer! ;)

Assisted or knee push-ups past the number required, to increase the endurance, every 2nd workout. How many push-ups and sit-ups do you need?

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The job is not related to sports in any way. It's related to law enforcement. It's a pretty lengthy process and the fitness test is mercifully at the end.

I was a bit concerned about shin splints too so I'm running 3 days now and biking the other days.

My goal on pushups is at least 45 in a minute. If I could get closer to 50, I'd be thrilled.

31 sit ups in a minute is the bare minimum. Thursday I did 32 . 40-45 would be sweet.

No beer, no joke. I've switched to rum...

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The job is not related to sports in any way. It's related to law enforcement. It's a pretty lengthy process and the fitness test is mercifully at the end.

I was a bit concerned about shin splints too so I'm running 3 days now and biking the other days.

My goal on pushups is at least 45 in a minute. If I could get closer to 50, I'd be thrilled.

31 sit ups in a minute is the bare minimum. Thursday I did 32 . 40-45 would be sweet.

No beer, no joke. I've switched to rum...

For the pushups:

Try to get to 60 assisted pushups in 1 minute (one way is pushups from the knees, with the feet turned out). Then go to about 50 in 1 minute, alternating 10 regular with 10 assisted. Then about 50 in 1 minute, 20 regular + 10 assisted + 20 regular. Then about 50 in 1 minute, 20 assisted + 30 regular.

Every once in a while, try difficult pushups to exhaustion (one way is pushups with your feet on a chair).

Breathing properly (through the diaphram, expanding your belly) will help a lot.

For the situps:

Try to get to 20 situps in 20 seconds, completely relax for 5 seconds, and 20 situps in 30 seconds. Then, see if you can push yourself to 30 situps in 30 seconds. Are you feeling a burn in your abdominals at a particular point?

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I got this from my gym teacher, maybe it'll help. if you do it all with very little rest, it'll also build up your VO2 max and probably help you with overall endurance


clapping pushups 3 x 15-12-10

walking pushups 2x12 (6 each way)

froggies 2 x 15-12 fast

burpies 2x 10 fast

leg drives 2 x 20 (10 each leg) fast

half push up- 1x max


crunches 2x25

v-ups 2 x 10 fast

roll up and tuck 2x 12 fast

jump and tuck 1x10

squat jump 1x10

russian splits 1x5

timed wall sit 1x max

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The job is not related to sports in any way. It's related to law enforcement. It's a pretty lengthy process and the fitness test is mercifully at the end.

Don't worry, after you get the job you can eat all the doughnuts you want!

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do you know the exact way the test is given? Prep for that...if you are running 40min 2-3 x a week but its about how far you can run in 12-15..you need to change up..for that I would keep one long run a week (your 40min) at a basic conversational pace..but add in some others..ie. if you run 40min..make 5 warm up..5 cool down..run for the first 5-7 min..then do 2 min efforts faster than normal pace (hard to talk but can keep pace..) and then recover with your normal pace..(this will also do a lot of good for your hockey game)...good sprint drill is to run downhill..(50meter hill...8-10x) as it helps foot speed and memory..

do push ups and situps whenever possible..hell i do them during the commericals on TV...

good article in Men's Health (Mar 2006) with Jason Statham and his routine, just a lot of hard work...

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