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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Oleg Kvasha's Skates

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Wait until you see G 5 Ultra. That boot is crazy. Its like a G series boot on steroids!

Can you post any sneak peek pics, Darkstar?

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On South Park, as Chef would say, "Now children..."

I can't afford to have all the candy that these companies offer. We do not sell very many Graf skates at all. I might bring in a pair for teasers and tire kickers but I doubt I'll do a size run. Too much $$ and I've committed $ to another model in that high rent district!

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with graf its honestly hard to say because there one of the slowest companys to deliver stuff but yeah the ultra g5 is a tank, that lining looks amazing i wish i saw that lining when i was having my skates made.

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ooookay and let me guess youre getting one90's in stock

or possibly Vector 10.0's

CCM tried to get me to take the Vector 10.0 but we sell Bauer all day long. Just added more One90s to my late summer delivery.

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Bauer just fit my customers feet better. Nothing wrong with CCM or RBK skates as long they fit your feet. The CCM guys have those flat feet with no insteps. My skaters like the fit on Bauer best.

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The vector 10 is a nice skate though Pete very light very protective outer shell(hard as a rock) but you really dont think that they would sell at the hopuse with all the little kids on the Avs that have top of the line everything?

my two cents

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They have already been asking when are the One90s going to be in stock! Hard to believe but no one asked for RBK Pumps or said boo! about the new Vectors. My shop is a world of Bauer Boys! Remember JR's stat last week: over 50% of the NHL skate Bauer. That leaves 50% divided among RBK, CCM, Easton, Graf, and Mission. Those are tough numbers for those five brands to battle for only 50% of a total market. I know its the pros but doesn't everybody want what they see on the pros? Also, check the thread on building your custom skate: I'll bet over half the guys want Bauer features on their special custom make-up dream skates.

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