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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Oleg Kvasha's Skates

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yep if u look at alot of skates on the nhl they all have either a tuuk or the bauer felt type tongue

Check the cover of this week's Hockey News with Rod Brind'Amour. His Vapor XXs have huge custom spec white felt tongues. I was amazed at how close the laces are to the eyelets down low close to the toe cap. I like a nice wide spread on the laces across the tongue from top to bottom, I guess he doesn't.

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yep if u look at alot of skates on the nhl they all have either a tuuk or the bauer felt type tongue

ive been a bit suprised to see quite a few pros who use grafs still leave cobra on

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yep if u look at alot of skates on the nhl they all have either a tuuk or the bauer felt type tongue

ive been a bit suprised to see quite a few pros who use grafs still leave cobra on

I guess if you like the stiffness in the cobra holder, and with sharpening not a restriction it seems to be a sensible idea.

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