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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Right now I used an Yzerman in Easton or a Gaborik which is the same, the gaborik is a 5.5 lie instead of 6 thats all. I was wanting to try some different blades out. My question is what blades in or brands are like the Yzerman or Gaborik? TPS, Reebok, Bauer/Nike, Sherwood, Mission, Koho, CCM, and Montreal.

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Yes, I looked at that. However ,I think sometimes its still tough to tell. I looked at the chart and bought a sundin R2 blade, however, it still doesn't have all the curve of a yzerman. I just wanted to get some people with a first hand experience.

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what do you mean up until the 06' models? how much did they change it?

CCM has a bunch of renamed curves this year. And some new ones. I believe the new Thornton is a Sakic clone.

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