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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission Customer Service

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Has anyone had any issues with Mission Customer Service?

I've called twice and left messages (no one in US Customer service ever picked up the phone) but no calls have been returned. The tendon guard is ripping on my S500's and I think, for the money I paid, that it should be fixed. They're just over a month old.

From feedback on this site I thought Mission would be better than all the other manufacturers and I even started buying their equipment for my kids because of it. I'm hoping to hear from them because I do like the skates and just want to know what my options are.

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every company i've ever dealt with about skates has said that they don't deal with the consumer directly and that you should t take it back to the dealer. I'm currently doing that with my nike skates. I took them back to where i bought them and they ordered me another pair from nike. So i'm pretty sure that even thou he doesn't carry mission anymore it's still his responsibility...but i could be wrong

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^^^ Agreed..

I dont know when youre calling but they have always picked up when I called.. Great customer service too.. I had questions about their sticks and the process of making them (for a class) and the rep I talked to was very nice, almost excited to talk to me..

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Thanks guys. Sounds worthwhile to keep trying. I am calling before 5pm and start out with a live person then get switched to a voice mail as soon as I mention I'm calling from the US.

The place I bought them from (Pure Hockey) is too far of a drive to provide them the skates to send out and then have to return to when they come back. Otherwise they'd definitely help.

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