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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New NHL TV Contract

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Yeah, they can bring Peter Puck back!

*NBC used to broadcast the games back in the day...they had Peter Puck, which was an animated puck, which taught the viewers the rules of hockey.

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Depending on what they pay, this could be right up with their great plan on renewing their rights to show the Irish football games.

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I'm glad NBC will be broadcasting instead of ABC... maybe now I can see some games in HD since Sinclair (ABC, ESPNHD, etc.) and Time Warner don't get along..

finally I can use my 50" widescreen Sony Grand Wega III for hockey!

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Yeah, they can bring Peter Puck back!

*NBC used to broadcast the games back in the day...they had Peter Puck, which was an animated puck, which taught the viewers the rules of hockey.


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finally I can use my 50" widescreen Sony Grand Wega III for hockey!

I just got that TV this weekend in the 42" model. It so sick.

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