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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ballistik sticks!

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Hi, I would like to know if any of you have heard of Ballistik OPS, and also if the stick is any good, i would like to purchuse one.... or a warrior Mac Daddy! :P



(P.S.: Has any one heard of anything good of a Mac Daddy?)

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Do a search, but it is the ultimate in entry level/price point OPS (and I don't mean ultimate in the best, but ultimate in it is EXACTLY what one would think of when they consider the discount OPS).

Use the search feature but yes, the Mac Daddy is an Inno so it is easily better by reputation alone.

(p.s., see that you just have 1 post so welcome to the board)

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Their price-point stuff was less than stellar. Good durability, but not much else.

Back when the shafts were $20, it was a good deal. Now, they're way overpriced for the quality that you get.

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Their price-point stuff was less than stellar. Good durability, but not much else.

Back when the shafts were $20, it was a good deal. Now, they're way overpriced for the quality that you get.

even back in the $20 shaft days, they were crap. heavy, cheap, fiberglassy feeling. reminded me of the easton 'e-flex'... what a crappy shaft.

i havent had any ballistik product recently, i had their old full line to try. their wooden blades were not bad. their 'composite' blades were pretty much black painted wooden blades, heavy, did not last long at all for roller. i enjoyed their goalie stick quite a bit, but the price is way up there now for one.

i believe their lineup has changed somewhat since then, but for the money now, its not worth my while to risk a previously inferior product.

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Ballistik OPS are OK. If you're looking at getting one, I would say do it soon, they have a promotion, you buy 2, the third one is free.(but it only applies to mid curves, I don't know what you use).

I tried one a few weeks back, and the performance was not bad, but I've seen better.

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