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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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ovechkin curve

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does ovechkin use his curve that he has from ccm, or does he use another blade pattern. and if anyone has used the new ccm vector 10.0 how does it feel and what stick would you compare it to.


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There's a button up on the toolbar, it's bold and says Search. I would suggest using it for this topic ;) .

It's a very good operation, especially for something on either Ovechkin's curve, or the 10.0 stick.

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Seeing that hes new with only 3 posts maybe you could lay off the attitude however he is right, the search function is very effective.

Ovechkin, last I heard he uses a retail Easton Sakic curve so its a mid curve.

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There's a button up on the toolbar, it's bold and says Search. I would suggest using it for this topic ;) .

It's a very good operation, especially for something on either Ovechkin's curve, or the 10.0 stick.

Do I detect a hint of prick?

Anyways Im pretty sure he uses the sakic retail curve. I dont know if its the same as the ovechkin ccm curve though because I havent seen it yet.

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Do I detect a hint of prick?

Hahahaha funny - never heard it used like that before - brilliant. :lol:

I wasn't trying to be an asshole. Sorry if I offended. It is a very good operation though.

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does ovechkin use his curve that he has from ccm, or does he use another blade pattern. and if anyone has used the new ccm vector 10.0 how does it feel and what stick would you compare it to.


Very few pros use a curve that looks anything like the ones that are sold with their name on them. Ovechkin uses a curve similar to a Sakic retail, or did at one point.

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