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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What do you think of this?

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They say it is used by a few nhl teams, so if thats true, you never know.

Even if it does work its still very expensive. If you do buy ti, let us know if it is any good

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Ive got one.

Its only usefull if you use it everyday to at least every other day.

It really does help you with your stride though.

I used it for about a year straight everyother day and havent used it since. (two years ago)

I would have to say that during the time I was using it I think thats when I really developed my stride that Im still using today.

Its not a cardio. machine really all you do is move your legs back and forth and your arms do what you want. But I never really got winded on it.

There are 3 cords and besides the cords there are notches that are attatched to the machinge that you can hook the cords onto.

So really its like you have 9 different levels (3 cords,3notchs.)

Its a very noisy machine too. Not that its very important but thought Id let you know that too.

The $730 I dont know, Its a great machine but if it is not what you thought of it you better hope you can get a refund.

I actually posted mine up in the selll section about 6 months ago and noone wanted it. The shipping would be crazy but I will sell it to you for alot LESS then $730. PM me if you are seroiusly thinking of gettin one. Mines in great shape still.

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Yes it defidently helped my skating. I beleive it helped my stride alot.

I dont really think it made me "faster" I think in order to get faster you have to have quick feet and cardio. This doesnt work on quick feet it works on fully extending your leg during the stride so you can get as much power in it as possible.

Thats where the cords and notches come in. As your legs get stronger and you get used to the machine you move the notches and cords higher and higher.

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a kid on my hockey team has it in his basement

ive gotten on it a couple times

its puts resistance on you when you push and its fun

i would buy it if it wasnt so expensive

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Are there any other devices that are better than this one?

Does this one look good?


I think the russian box is a waste of money. It's only really good for one drill. I'd recomend taking up sprinting as that will help the most important part of your skating, which is acceleration.

If you want one, I'd just say build your own with a couple platforms, but make sure you don't get hurt using them!

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