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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sweet stick

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the sweet stick gives a false edge so the inside edge is weaker then the outer edges. good for knives and scissors but for skates.just like chadd says it brings your edges closer together giving it that sharper feel but your actual edge and bite angel is reduced

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Ugh...it cannot be so much clearer than the literature on their own website!

It shows how it turns the edges inward. Seriously, man, this is my profession. I know what I am talking about.

Chadd explained it well. It turns your edges inward, creating a deeper hollow, giving the skater the perception that it has more bite. It's really quite simple.

Eazy - he was swiping it sideways? That is one of the reasons why I have one. You can hone a skate withouth having your hands close to the blade. It is good for equipment managers b/c they don't have to worry about handling a skate in tight areas (bench) and getting cut.

And as far as the knife sharpening, I use it on one of the Sweet-stick prongs.

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do pros have enough time to get their skates sharpened between periods? it's about a 10 minute break right?

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I've seen Sundin get his skates sharpened inbetween shifts. There isn't enough time for everyone to do their skates, but a few players can be done.

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I've seen Sundin get his skates sharpened inbetween shifts. There isn't enough time for everyone to do their skates, but a few players can be done.

Gretzky (and I'm sure a lot of others) would do the between-period sharpening. It would have to take an absolute emergency to get me to want to take off my boot and relace in the middle of a game.

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They were using it as a Honing stone, not a sharening aid during the game.

wouldn't it just be better to use the Miracle stone ? If they were going to hone Jagr's skates, I don't see how using the sweet stick would be more effective than the Miracle stone ?

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I've seen Sundin get his skates sharpened inbetween shifts. There isn't enough time for everyone to do their skates, but a few players can be done.

Gretzky (and I'm sure a lot of others) would do the between-period sharpening. It would have to take an absolute emergency to get me to want to take off my boot and relace in the middle of a game.

i heard a rumour that messier used to get his skates sharpened or aligned between shifts

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They were using it as a Honing stone, not a sharening aid during the game.

wouldn't it just be better to use the Miracle stone ? If they were going to hone Jagr's skates, I don't see how using the sweet stick would be more effective than the Miracle stone ?

Same thing, same kind of stone as well I believe, except it's easier to have 1 tool in your hand on the bench rather than 2. It couldn've been a quick way to get the ice off his blade, the trainer may like this better, but they showed a close-up on him doing it on HNIC and he was just honing with it.

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They were using it as a Honing stone, not a sharening aid during the game.

wouldn't it just be better to use the Miracle stone ? If they were going to hone Jagr's skates, I don't see how using the sweet stick would be more effective than the Miracle stone ?

Same thing, same kind of stone as well I believe, except it's easier to have 1 tool in your hand on the bench rather than 2. It couldn've been a quick way to get the ice off his blade, the trainer may like this better, but they showed a close-up on him doing it on HNIC and he was just honing with it.

the thing I didn't like was that I thought the trainer was using quite a bit of force with the sweet stick. I thought you were supposed to use it very lightlly ?

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I didn't see him touch the actual blade with it, just using it as a honing device. So if he put alot of pressure on it, it's probably at Jagr's request.

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I didn't see him touch the actual blade with it, just using it as a honing device. So if he put alot of pressure on it, it's probably at Jagr's request.

yep and if jagr wants something like that whose to argue. its jagr

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They were using it as a Honing stone, not a sharening aid during the game.

wouldn't it just be better to use the Miracle stone ? If they were going to hone Jagr's skates, I don't see how using the sweet stick would be more effective than the Miracle stone ?

Same thing, same kind of stone as well I believe, except it's easier to have 1 tool in your hand on the bench rather than 2. It couldn've been a quick way to get the ice off his blade, the trainer may like this better, but they showed a close-up on him doing it on HNIC and he was just honing with it.

I'm confused. If I have a good quality stone/miraclestone, then I have no need of a SweetStick to use it "as a honer," which is the way that I understand JR to use it.

So, why use a SweetStick as a honer when I could use a miraclestone or a Lowry Skate Stone for the exact same thing? What do you mean "1 tool in your hand rather than 2" ? I know that money is no object for those guys but still I see no reason for the trainer to be holding a Y shaped tool when he's using it to do the job of a regular stone.

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If you get a good honing stone, then no need for the SS.

Think about it. When you hone a skate, you usually hold the skate on its side. Keep in mind that a players bench is small...add 23 players, 3 coaches, a trainer and an equipment mgr. Not a lot of room on the bench. It would be easier and safer for the eq mgr to hone a skate up and down with the SS.

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Ahhh that makes sense. Of course for me I can usually find room off to the side of the bench, or going down to the dressing rooms, where I can cross my skate over my knee and give it a good cleanup with my Lowry stone.

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