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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Swedish Stickhandling Ball

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I'm thinking about getting one. Does anyone have any experinence with them? and will it slide well on ashphalt?



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Where are you getting them from?

I bought one of those SmartHockey balls. They're easier to find and they have more weight to them. They're really a lot of fun, almost surprisingly so.

As for a wooden ball, I'm imagining that if you're handling on a particularly rough, uneven surface, the ball will skip a bit due to its light weight. SmartHockey balls are supposedly more bounce-resistant.

I'd like to point out though that these little balls, even though they advertise that their lower contact point makes them more similar to pucks, really still don't feel anything like puck-handling. A lower contact point isn't going to make up for the fact that the feel of a sphere is completely different than that of a puck. Still a lot of fun though and highly recommended.

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Any stickhandling ball will help you. I use both all the time, and they have they're advantages. Smart hockey ones I guess are more accurate to the puck's weight, and the Swedish wood ones make you have quicker hands. I'd buy and use both.

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i have a smart hockey ball and it is great. I only use it on concrete though. A little tip, Dont use a stick with any tape on the blade, and if you pour a little water on the ground, just a little bit to roll the ball through every now and then, the ball will slide and roll around alot more like a puck. It works dry, but the ball tends to stick to the blade sometimes, (i noticed this the most with toe drags)

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Ya thanks for the thoughts guys. I actually already have a Smart ball which I find pretty good but would guys recommend me getting a Swedish ball still?

I'm pretty sure epuck sells them.

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Yes. The swedish balls are much faster than the smart hockey balls, and offer a different way to practice. Also, I find that when I use lighter weight stuff, I can work on my "feel" when I have my head up..

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it would seem if you hit the post or it hit something hard of a wicked slapshot it could crack a never know

Seeing as how its called a "Stickhandling Ball" it should not be shot, therefor it will not break. If you want to work on you're shot, get a weighted puck.

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