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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RinkRat teams up with CCM and NIKE

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a good deal for rink rat on the heals of the Mission-factory announcement. My question is, where does this leave Labeda and Hyper as two of the 'big dogs' of the market?

- obviously people will still buy them, but does the loss of hook-ups with manufacturers out of the factory significantly damage sales?

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IMO, this is huge for rink rat and for factory. Being an OEM supplier gets your product out there and to greater masses then just the regular word of mouth sales/advertising. Unless Hyper and Labeda have something in the works, its going to be a very bad year for both companies.

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Labeda is supplying the Tour line. (always have) so I don't think you have to worry about them.

Hyper had a deal with Bauer before for their previous models...but don't seem to now.

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I thought it had also been said that the Rink Rat/BNH agreement was a bit premature, and that other companies were still being considered..

fwiw..Hyper just used all BNH stuff in their latest photo shoot

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I thought it had also been said that the Rink Rat/BNH agreement was a bit premature, and that other companies were still being considered..

fwiw..Hyper just used all BNH stuff in their latest photo shoot

The problem that occurred back when the deal between BNH and RR wheels was first announced, was that Bauer still had an existing contract with another wheel manufacturer at the time, while Nike did not...so it was premature to announce any long term deal between BNH and Rink Rat.

Cannot comment further.

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justin, are u talking about the upcoming skates will have hypers on the lower models?

Skates that are coming out at the end of the year...

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