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XXX lite or Synergy Sl which breaks quicker?

Topic says all- Which breaks quicker?  

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Ive been using a synergy SL and have broken 4 of them since last august (good stick but durability is terrible) Im happy with the stick, but if I could get the same performance and longer durability with the XXX lite i might switch with that. I know the XXX lite has had breakage problems, but is it really worth it to make the switch? BTW, im using a modano 85 flex for the SL, Thanks for the help.

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ive used a drury sl grip on and off since the summer, but have broken way more of them than any other stick ive ever used. that being said its also probably my favorite stick ive ever used, except for the xxx lite, which i just havent used enough yet to know how much i like it, i just dont like the kovalchuk curve as much as the drury. its already lasted longer than my first sl tho.

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I really really want to try an XXX Lite but I can't justify that much money after hearing all the breakage stories. So I'm just waiting until either Bauer fixes the problem or I see them start popping up on eBay for cheaper than $180 US. From what I've heard, the XXX Lite has worse durability than the SL but I didn't vote because I don't have much, if any, first hand experience with either.

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not sure about SL but there appear to be SOME lucky xxx lites that last longer than they should. Mines been good since december but I've seen people bring broken ones within a day or two.

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The only problem I had was that 3 of the 4 Sl's broke right where the blade curves to meet the shaft (I heard this was an improvement on the 06 Sls correct?) If the XXX lite has the same performance and the blade can last longer, than I'd go that.

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My SL Grip broke after about three weeks of use and the replacement lasted probably three or four months for my brother after I traded it to him for a Response Plus.

My XXX Lite lasted one game and however long my brother used it for before he broke it the next day, haven't even bothered using the replacement yet because of the durability.

I would recommend a Response Plus or XX Stick'Um over both sticks but to answer your question, from my experiences the XXX Lite won't last longer than the SL. Performance is all personal preference but I would say the SL was also better performing.

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4 since august lol your lucky..Iv broke 13 sl's and 4 XXX lites since sept (not including other sticks..the Sl durablity for me is from 1-2 weeks where the XXX lite lasted me and others a month or so..if you want durablitity and al right preformance go with a stealth..ill post something up on the new CNT stealth later this week aftewr the OHL cup

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I think it comes down to this. The SL will break, its a given, the Vapor XXX lite wont always break. My buddy had a original Bauer Vapor XXX lite, not the BNH one, and it lasted 2 months, the SL will almost always break within a month unless its rarley used

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My Vapor XXX Lite has been surprisingly durable. I have been using it since November 5th, playing 3-5 times a week and it shows no signs of breakage.

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I play 6x a week and I love the performance of the SL but the durability on it is terrible. I sent in 2 of the broken SLs ('05's) and got 2 new '06 SLs so I was thinking of selling one of my new SL's and get a XXX lite if it was more durable.

Shagel (or others that have tried both) How did the performance and feel of the XXX lite compare to the SL?

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I've (suprisingly) gone 3+ months on my XXX lite. Until this week, I was on the ice every day and have had no structural damage to the stick. The paint chips like no other stick I've used, though. If the asthetics really matter to you, I don't know what to tell you. But the stick itself has been great and it hasn't lost any feel since day 1 with it.

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4 since august lol your lucky..Iv broke 13 sl's and 4 XXX lites since sept (not including other sticks..the Sl durablity for me is from 1-2 weeks where the XXX lite lasted me and others a month or so..if you want durablitity and al right preformance go with a stealth..ill post something up on the new CNT stealth later this week aftewr the OHL cup

You play in the OHL?

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yah i was suposed to head off to the tournament this weekend but i have a broken ankle, frigg that gets me mad lol but yah ive broken 5 sl's and 3 XXX lites and i would say the stealth is the best way to go, i dont know i found the stealths feal pretty crappy i dont know i cant show with a stick with a low kickpoint, or a stick that is a trueone piece stick but thats just personal preference

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They are both High Performance sticks, meaning they were not created for durabiltiy. Its really all about chance, theyll break when they break. They werent made for durability

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I've had about 5 Easton SL's and every one of them has broken after about 2 weeks of practice and games. good performance but crappy durablity. my stealth ('05 version) is a far more durable stick.

don't know about the vapor XXX lite.

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I just broke my SL Gaborik last night. Had it less than 2 months, play about twice a week, weigh 180 lbs, play center with a good wrist shot ice and roller. This is the best stick I have ever used but the least durable. For it to break this quickly with my style of play is just a joke. I'm going to try the ST or the Stealth next and if they break just as quick I'm going to have to find a new brand of sticks. Is the warranty still 30 days?

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Yeah the warranty is still 30 days. Easton was pretty easy with their warranty process. My receipt was a week or two over and they still accepted it. I have an St and stealth and they both work great, but the stealth feels a little different (lie maybe?) IMO

*Edit*- Is it me or does the xxx lite seem like a wider stick than the SL?

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Yeah the warranty is still 30 days. Easton was pretty easy with their warranty process. My receipt was a week or two over and they still accepted it. I have an St and stealth and they both work great, but the stealth feels a little different (lie maybe?) IMO

*Edit*- Is it me or does the xxx lite seem like a wider stick than the SL?

Ya, I think its a bit wider IMO

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