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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM Vector Pro

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When I walk in and out of the ice rink on my CCM Vector Pros, I notice a clicking sound on my left skate. I am pretty sure that it has to do with the blades in the holder. I believe that the blade might have loosened from the holder with the holes on top of it. I am afraid that it will completely loosen when I am chasing along the boards and I will fly face first into them.

Has anyone else experienced this clicking sound on these types of blades? Is this the sign of me having to replace the blade and maybe even the holder?

Thanks for any comments that you guys might have. B)

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my ccms with prolite holders click all the time..

but a loose blade could cause the clicking.. possibly a loose rivet as well

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All CCM holders click.I was told they never tighten the screws enough.So a quick tighten should fix the problem.

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Yep, out of the box brand new they are always loose. You would think Jimmy would get them to take of that at Quality Control! I am a bit tired of selling CCM skates and then the kid comes back a day later missing the screw. I tighten them now before that first sharpening after I have sealed the deal on the sale.

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Yep, out of the box brand new they are always loose. You would think Jimmy would get them to take of that at Quality Control! I am a bit tired of selling CCM skates and then the kid comes back a day later missing the screw. I tighten them now before that first sharpening after I have sealed the deal on the sale.

Yes, it's frustrating that they don't come tightened. But they don't come laced either. So, I lace the skates, and tighten the nuts when I do my complete free 12-point inspection. ;)

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Just for laffs, skates never came laced but shipping without screws tight is like missing a rivet. Now that RBK has set that as their quality control level, its still pretty weak to ship skates as completed product like that. And yes, I'd say the same about any other vendor who did the same.

Same goes for RBK never tightening screws on toe buckles too on leg pads. Jimmy, send them some tools, will ya!

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Jimmy, send them some tools, will ya!

How much is shipping to China? :D

On a more serious note, I'll take a couple of loose nuts over some of the holder alignment and steel problems some other brands are plagued with. ;)

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Yep, out of the box brand new they are always loose. You would think Jimmy would get them to take of that at Quality Control! I am a bit tired of selling CCM skates and then the kid comes back a day later missing the screw. I tighten them now before that first sharpening after I have sealed the deal on the sale.

Yes, it's frustrating that they don't come tightened. But they don't come laced either. So, I lace the skates, and tighten the nuts when I do my complete free 12-point inspection. ;)

That's the best way to go. Most customers never listen when you tell them to check the screws then come running in when the steel falls out 2 minutes into a game. The worst part is when they say it was making noises for the last couple weeks but they never did anything about it.

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As preventative maintenence, any screw/nut combo on any skate or piece of equipment should be checked regularly. In the case of Bauer hardware on skates, it's a good idea to replace the hardware every 6 months or so. The plain steel starts to rust from the very first skate, and once it rusts, it's a mother to remove or tighten. If not watched closely, the result could be broken holder or steel. The cost of new hardware is almost nothing, so no reason not to replace it..

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Don't people know how to use handtools anymore?

I get hockey moms coming in 6 months later demanding warranty replacements on their "defective" blades, or "defective" helmets.

Same deal with the kids who inline skate on only a front and rear wheel because they've lost the hardware on most of the skate.

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Don't people know how to use handtools anymore?

Nope. I have this one guy, he has a pair of 852's. Instead of removing the steel with a simple screwdriver and socket, he ships his whole skates to me for sharpening. $80 overnite shipping for a $5 sharpening. I tried explaining to him how to do it, but he was apprehensive about trying it. He's a police detective. :lol:

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