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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shaft Shapes

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Hey guys.

I currently use a Koho revolution OPS, since my old sherwood momentum broke, but the shaft shape is a lot more rectangular and boxy than the momentum. I was just wondering if anyone knew of any sticks with a more similar shape to the sherwoods i had, ie. less boxy. Ive heard missions are less boxy but cant remember if it was a reliable source. Also what are the shaft shapes of the warrior sticks?

Thanks for any help you can give.


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the tps redlite has rounded edges.

I have small hands, so this was a big selling point for me. I came from using a sherwood momentum 85 like you, but bought a synergy and sold it because I didnt like the shape of the shaft (felt fine in the shop.. sucked bad on the ice).

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Thanks for your help guys....

Badkitty, how does the red lite play? would you recommend it other than just for the shape of the shaft?

Also does anyone know what shape the warrior sticks are, ive tried to find info on this but have failed :(


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Thanks for your help guys....

Badkitty, how does the red lite play? would you recommend it other than just for the shape of the shaft?

Also does anyone know what shape the warrior sticks are, ive tried to find info on this but have failed :(


oh yea, I would highly recommend it.

The XN10 version of it is the lightest shaft avalible on the market and is tough as a rock. The non xn10 version is awesome too.. just 35 more grams (still lighter than an easton ultralite). Both have the rounded edges (like our old sherwoods) and have gotten good reviews all around.

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