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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Minnesota/Chicago Pro Stock

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Can any of my fellow msh friends tell me if the wild have a shop which sell off old or current stock? I had been looking for Skoula SL Grips, and noticed he's in MN now. i will be making a trip there in May, any help is appreciated.

While im on the subject do the Blackhawks do the same? ill be in CHI this weekend...

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Can any of my fellow msh friends tell me if the wild have a shop which sell off old or current stock? I had been looking for Skoula SL Grips, and noticed he's in MN now. i will be making a trip there in May, any help is appreciated.

While im on the subject do the Blackhawks do the same? ill be in CHI this weekend...

i went to chicago this summer. one day i was sick so i stayed in the hotel all day and my brother and father went walking around cause they were bored. they said they came across this one shop that sold game used and pro stock sticks and equipment(from what i remember).

to find out where this store is ask the hotel consierge(sp?) if ur staying at a hotel.

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i was just at the xcel lastweek and they have game used sticks i didnt see any skoula ones yet and the ones they had were 125 - 150

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Can any of my fellow msh friends tell me if the wild have a shop which sell off old or current stock? I had been looking for Skoula SL Grips, and noticed he's in MN now. i will be making a trip there in May, any help is appreciated.

While im on the subject do the Blackhawks do the same? ill be in CHI this weekend...

You're a week late. I had the option of buying the remaining stock of Skoula's synergys from the Stars for 50 each. I might be able to pick one up still though. I'll know by Friday.

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