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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Food Review Site

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At the risk of getting flamed, I thought I'd introduce you to a site my buddy maintains. It's called mealme.com


He's a funny nut (then again he's a goalie so maybe not that odd afterall). He really gets a kick when people post on his website. Thought I'd share it with you.

Okay back to hockey.

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I can see how a site like that could become quite useful as more reviews are added. People would check to see what others' experience had been before piling into the car.

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That's a very cool site, thanks for the link. Fun to see a ton of the places I ate out at whilst living in Vancouver, nice bit of nostalgia for me, but it can be pretty useful as a tool too.

Just gonna browse through for some of my favorite joints...

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My goalie/foody friend who maintains the site says he's going to add a search function as there are enough posts to justify it now.

It's pretty funny going to a restaurant and taking a picture of your food, but sometimes when you do it all of a sudden the services gets better! They must think we're food critics, but then again I guess we are!

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My goalie/foody friend who maintains the site says he's going to add a search function as there are enough posts to justify it now.

It's pretty funny going to a restaurant and taking a picture of your food, but sometimes when you do it all of a sudden the services gets better! They must think we're food critics, but then again I guess we are!

I just take my food pictures with my phone (k750) now, a lot less conspicuous, and really good for the job.

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