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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Baking my Vapor XIX's

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I've had my Vapor XIX's for probably 2 months and skated in them 15-20 times. I did not have them baked after I bought them. Should I do that now? I need some good info. on baking them. If I do bake them what kind of marinade should I use? Kidding!!!

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As long as you don't have a pressure point or an area that is giving you problems, I would just leave them alone.

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you shouldve baked them right away when you got them not a month afterwards when you already have worn them about 20 times

i dont think there is a certain time frame when have to bake your skates, with this being said if you can wear a skate out of the box with out baking, more power to you

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I've had my Flexlites since last October and I've baked them last week. Only reason why I baked them because I was having too much pressure on my midfoot area of the skate.

Bake them if like. I baked mine at home cos there wasn't a hockey shop open (only opens Mon, Fri, Sat) so it saved me some cash.

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I really like the XIX's. I picked them up on Ebay for $150.00. They sell online for $250.00 so I think I did good $$ wise. They are supposed to be exactly like the XX's except for one cosmetic difference (I'm not sure what thay was). They are much lighter than what I was skating in. I say if you don't wont to shell out $350.00 for the XX's then the XIX's would be a good choice.

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you shouldve baked them right away when you got them not a month afterwards when you already have worn them about 20 times

i dont think there is a certain time frame when have to bake your skates, with this being said if you can wear a skate out of the box with out baking, more power to you

I agree...

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