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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Helmet Protection

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I have had the Bauer 5000 for a couple of years now and it is time for another helmet.

I tried the 8000 but I just like the 5000 better. I am wondering between another 5000 or an rbk 8k helmet. Both fit me just fine with no problems but the one pro shop guy around here told me the rbk helmets are terrible and he has had several returned to him. He said that the 8k is not protective enough for a checking league.

I just wanted to ask in terms of protection, can somebody give me an idea of the 5000 compared to the 8k?

Is the 8k really less protective and/or more often defective than the 5000?

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I used a 5000 for a couple of years until I got an 8k for Christmas this year. Love the Rbk. Protection is great. The only problem is that most of the people that I know that use the 8k's have gotten concussions when wearing these.

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i've gotten some pretty bad hits with the Rbk, and hit my head pretty hard on some, and still haven't hurt myself while wearing that helmet. Best helmet i've worn. Expensive but it is well worth it imo.

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I used a 5000 for a couple of years until I got an 8k for Christmas this year. Love the Rbk. Protection is great. The only problem is that most of the people that I know that use the 8k's have gotten concussions when wearing these.

Same thing happened to the guys when they first started using the 5000. It has more to do with the players than the helmet. Only knock on the 8k that I've seen are the adjustment pieces seem to break on some helmets. Again, probably more to do with the owner though.

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I used a 5000 for a couple of years until I got an 8k for Christmas this year. Love the Rbk. Protection is great. The only problem is that most of the people that I know that use the 8k's have gotten concussions when wearing these.

i think you could wear a bauer4000 or a ccm 652 and if you keep your head up, go into the boards correctly, and know how to give/take a hit you will be fine....with this being said im looking for a new lid and the 8K is at the top of my list, my old 5000 just seems to "hot", no enough venting for me

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Guest Muck

I've got an 8K, I think it's a great helmet. Aesthetically sharp as well.

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my 8k is holding up pretty good. i don't play in a checking league, but i've had my hits (some pretty hard) and it's held up fine *knock on wood*. i love the comfort and protection.

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Yeah as Chadd said, the adjustment pieces break pretty easily. The dial on the back of mine worked fine for a week or so, but now it just doesn't stay when I turn it, it always slips back to normal.

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if you are interested in a good bucket pick up the intake or NB 4500 both great helmuts without all the bells and whistles that will save your head and wallet. I for one can buy 4 helmuts a year instead of buying a RBK and having it die within a month

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I am still pondering the protection of the 8k compared to the 5000 but feel a little bit better about the 8k now. Thanks to everybody for their input. It is really helpful.

I would need to put a full cage on my helmet and am not sure what o do to the 8k helmet in terms of cages. I am very used to my bauer 8000 true vision. Could I put that on there, or do any of you have and ideas on other cages to put on the 8k? Anybody have pics of the 8k with a cage?

I think the itech III cage is the one i'd put on it but don't know how it looks/feels comapred to my true vision.

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the missions are a nice helmet, i find they sit high on the back of your head and the you have to be careful if your putting a cage on because the front 2 screws recede into the helmet if pushed too hard

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I just picked up a mission lid and boy it felt so much better compared to my old bauer 4000. it felt more like a 5000 but with better air flow and the mission head lock feature works wonders. unless you fit it incorrectly you should have no problems with the helmet being too loose.

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How would the bauer true vision cage fit on the rbk 8 helmet? ok or should I need to drill holes? Would the itech be easier to attack? I am just used to the bauer cage and would like ot keep it. Do you guys htink it would look silly on the rbk helmet?

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How would the bauer true vision cage fit on the rbk 8 helmet? ok or should I need to drill holes? Would the itech be easier to attack? I am just used to the bauer cage and would like ot keep it. Do you guys htink it would look silly on the rbk helmet?

You can mount a Bauer cage on a Rbk helmet without drilling new holes. In fact you can mount pretty much whatever cage you want. If you like the Bauer, use it.

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How would the bauer true vision cage fit on the rbk 8 helmet? ok or should I need to drill holes? Would the itech be easier to attack? I am just used to the bauer cage and would like ot keep it. Do you guys htink it would look silly on the rbk helmet?

I have a bauer cage on my 8k and it fits very nicely, I think it fits better on my rbk than my 5000. B)

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remember that modifying your helmet (ie. drilling holes) voids the certification if you play in a league that enforces it.

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