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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Evolution of the hockey stick

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Ok, I am doing a report for school on the evolution of the hockey stick. I was wondering if anybody knows a website to get any pictures of old wood hockey sticks, and any info on or about the hockey stick, new or old ones.


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Try the reading the book. THE STICK By Bruce Dowbiggin

There is a website www.thestickonline.com

His years of Research should be all the info you need.

Great read as it was written a couple years ago as the OPS's were 1st being introduced.

I would recommend it for everyone on the board.

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I have a copy of that book, it is an excellent read and would definately help your project, and be of interest to everyone on here.

A few chapters could be added now but still... maybe later editions/volumes?

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I'm just finishing up a quick essay on this as well. Mines a 1600 word essay that I need to cut maybe 200-300 words out before I hand in. I'll get my sources and essay if you'd like and fire them your way once it's finished. I'll PM you once I'm done.

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Definitely read The Stick, I read it over Spring Break. If I'm willing to not look at all the hot drunk college girls on the beach for a book, you know its gotta be interesting.

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Definitely read The Stick, I read it over Spring Break. If I'm willing to not look at all the hot drunk college girls on the beach for a book, you know its gotta be interesting.

Must Be quite a good book aye?

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The picture from the 2004 TPS catalogue could work out well if you need any photos. JR might be able to help with that.

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