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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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A sort of blade

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Im looking for a composite blade that will last. Some composite blades when theyve been worn a bit along the bottom you can see a slightly woodish colour appearing and these blades are the ones that dont tend to crack along the bottom, such as the mission L2. But some blades ive used, like the inno's just have composite all the way through and along the bottom so crack easily, and bits of carbon start breaking off.

What blades have this durability along the bottom as the L2 isn't an option as im looking for standard blades?

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I just find that the ones that are total composite dont last and crack along the bottom like my innos as i play on wooden floors aswell as ice but my L2 held up fine.

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Bauer X/XV.

I thought they were identical to innos?

Nope. Except for the really early Xs. They have a pretty thick clearcoat. I played some street hockey with my XV. The bottom is scuffed but has yet to crack or splinter.

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If you want a durable composite blade go with the Sherwood Axion blades. It won't crack along the bottom and has decent performance.

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If you want a durable composite blade go with the Sherwood Axion blades. It won't crack along the bottom and has decent performance.

The old ones were overpriced. $70cdn for a wood hosel is pretty bad.

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Bauer X/XV.

I thought they were identical to innos?

Nope. Except for the really early Xs. They have a pretty thick clearcoat. I played some street hockey with my XV. The bottom is scuffed but has yet to crack or splinter.

I've got a couple of XV's from about 9 months ago that are definitely Innos. Ordered another one that will be delivered on Monday. Hope it's the same.

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Also anyone have any opinions on the Koho torpedo 3390 or the TPS X1 blade bearing in miind durability on wooden floors?

You could try a Vapor VII or Vector V20. The V20 is more of a hybrid blade, but I've had good luck with the durability on them.

I've heard good things about the durability of the TPS X1, but I've never personally used them.

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