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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mystery curve

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I have this blade that I really like, its a Hespeler F4 but there is not a pattern name anywhere on the thing. I don't have access to a camera but I found this online and it is the exact same thing. I know its not the Weight, or Roberts. Anybody?


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I think there used to be a Jovanoski pattern but I never saw a pic so I couldn't tell if this was it or not.

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Kovalev? Jovo is a square toe is it not.

I didn't know that hepeler had a Kovalev pattern. I could not tell you anything about the Jovo curve other than it existed.

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Pro4? no?

Pro2...i think...

Because the Picture is named as Pro2.jpg

Either 2 or 3 was the YP, Guerin on the Patriot.

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We had tons of Hespeler Patriots in Guerin pattern when they were on closeout.

That is the Inno Kovalev blade.

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