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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Docter Pepper

Blades similiar to Easton's Forsberg

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There aren't any hockey shops where i live, just a rink. My blade is pretty much broken so i was looking for a cheap replacement. I'm kinda broke at the moment so i would like to spend around or less than $20 for a new blade. I couldn't find my same blade online, so i was wondering if anyone knew of any other patterns like this one. Hockeymonkey.com was listing Forsberg and Modano blades as the same thing, but i find this hard to be true. I had a Madono blade a few years ago, and it was not like my current Forsberg. Here are some pics of my blade. thanks


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The blade has just been renamed. I have 2 Modano wood blades. One looks like a less open Lidstrom, the other more like a Lindros.

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Buy a Bauer PM9 (either a Hossa or it has been renamed to a St. Louis). That's Bauer's Forsberg clone and worked for me after I broke mine. Either that, or just go out and buy a Forsberg woodie. Check the blade before you buy, woodies aren't that consistent.

Edit: Go to your LHS if you're going to buy a wood blade. I had to learn that the hard way... I once got a Bauer P106 that looked like a Sakic off the 'net.

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I have a foresberg blade and its identical to the modano blade i previously owned and the hossa blade. I agree that wooden blades are not consistent, but if that's what works for you than keep using it. I had a wooden Christian blade that was about $15 and was the same pattern as a modano, but i don't know anything else about it.

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I don't think this is really close to a Forsberg/modano blade. I think wood patterns are not identical to composite patterns, what are you looking for?

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wow, i thought this thread had died. I usually get curves that are either like the forsberg one in the pictures, or one with a little bit less curve by the toe. I had a Messier before this which was a weaker curve and i was happy with it too. I've only used a composite blade once. It was about 4 years ago. A green easton ultra kevlar or something like that. After a couple weeks it got a crack in the bottom of the heel and graphite started to leak out. After spending $40 on that i've been hesistant about buying composite blades again.

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