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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Can u heat mode RBK pumps

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Yes you can, and I recomend not "pumping" them up when they are heat molding.

When you heat them you want them to mold around your foot as close as possible. If you pump them up after they are heated they will not snug up as close around you heel/ankle area as they would if they were not pumped up.

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I thought the air bladders were for the ankle areas only?? If so, it would make sense that you may want to mold the lower portions -- provided it doesn't damage the pump mechanisms.

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You can bake the RBK pump skates. Just make sure you dont use the pumps the same day you got them baked just to be safe. I know its fun to pump them up, but im sure you can wait.

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Talking to the RBK guys, they said specifically to make certain that the pumps have no air in them, otherwise, they're good to go.

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I was talking to a lady who runs a shop in scotland, she said shes had a 100% return on the pumps, 5&9k! I don't think this pump mechanism is all its cracked up to be. But im sure a few of them were kids just squeezing and squeezing until they burst!

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