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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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securing blades in tapered shafts

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I know I read some suggestions on the board before for this, but after searching for about an hour, I just thought I'd ask:

I have a synthesis blade in my new TPS R2 shaft, but the hosel seems to not quite be big enough for the shaft. There is a little play in the shaft and blade connection point. I can wiggle the blade forward and back a bit. More aggravating, I can feel it move or click when taking shots.

I know I saw some posts of people securing the hosel in a shaft. Can anyone point me to those links, or better, just re-post your suggestions here.


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I put a strip of tape on the tenon, then put a bit of glue on the tape before heating it up and inserting the blade back in. I've never had any problems since.

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Similarly, I put duct tape on the inside of the shaft.

Also, I heat the shaft to expand it before I insert the blade, and then let the shaft contract while it cools down for a day.

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I put a strip of tape on the tenon, then put a bit of glue on the tape before heating it up and inserting the blade back in. I've never had any problems since.

That has always worked for me.

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I put a strip of tape on the tenon, then put a bit of glue on the tape before heating it up and inserting the blade back in. I've never had any problems since.

That has always worked for me.

same here.

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I put a strip of tape on the tenon, then put a bit of glue on the tape before heating it up and inserting the blade back in. I've never had any problems since.

I am assuming the tendon is the part that slides into the shaft, correct?

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I put a strip of tape on the tenon, then put a bit of glue on the tape before heating it up and inserting the blade back in. I've never had any problems since.

I am assuming the tendon is the part that slides into the shaft, correct?

"tenon", yes

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I put a strip of tape on the tenon, then put a bit of glue on the tape before heating it up and inserting the blade back in. I've never had any problems since.

I am assuming the tendon is the part that slides into the shaft, correct?

"tenon", yes

oops, tenon. Thanks. ;)

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